Penning down my thoughts feels new after a 3 month long break from blogging. Taking a brief hiatus from blogging wasn’t the plan by any means but the result of being caught up in the regular humdrum of life. The last few months sped by in a jiffy but June decided to make a sudden halt. A bitter news came by which shocked me beyond disbelief and moved me to tears of sadness.  A young man who must live and who had  a whole life ahead of him passed away due to cancer survived by his parents and younger sister. I didn’t know him too well personally but he was very much a big part of our family as he was to marry my cousin this year. I have only known him through talks and photos and what I heard was only good. Well-mannered, highly educated, fun loving and handsome is what he was. He and the love of his life were to exchange their wedding vows this year but life wasn’t forgiving this time. I still remember the day I received the news and my eyes welled up at the thought of how painful it must have been for him and his loved ones . As much as I heard only nice things about him when he was alive, during death he was no less. He approached his grave with an exit plan. Pre-planned his funeral procession, ensured that he made his friends crack jokes and made him laugh on his death bed, thanked his father hands pressed together with utmost sincerity for everything, embraced his mother longingly and lovingly, said “I love you” to his girl for one final time before breathing his last. He didn’t cry even for a moment while leaving instead lived his life to the best until his very last. To me he felt divine. The funeral was conducted in the same manner he had intended for. A grand exit surrounded by his close friends and family who played his favorite music tracks and wished him well in his after-life before bidding their final adieus.

Where one life had ended and merged into the ultimate expanse of the universe another journey began. On the same day of the funeral, in a different part of the world, two of my very close friends tied the knot in a grand wedding ceremony surrounded by friends and family who were gleaming with happiness while the other was grieving the loss of their son, brother, best friend and fiance. Yet strangely both had it grand. Both the events celebrated one thing in common “The celebration of life”. So why shouldn’t we celebrate life every day?

Every waking hour of the day is your birthday;

Every breath you inhale is a miracle,

Every moment you have is god’s gift to you …so live it because tomorrow never comes!! What we are now is what is. This is it. You are living, breathing, moving. You are alive. Be whoever you want to be right now. Be happy now. Show gratitude every second of the day. The finish line is inevitable but how we choose to live now lies with us.


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